If you have had your visa declined and you are facing deportation, contact us today and we help assist you in preparing a response to Immigration New Zealand.

Unlawful Status

If your visa application for New Zealand has been declined while you are in the country or your current visa has expired, it means you are now in the country illegally or ‘unlawfully’. If you have unlawful status you are unable to apply for another visa and will face deportation.

If you find yourself in this situation it is important to seek the help of an immigration lawyer who may be able to assist you in reversing your unlawful status in New Zealand. You can submit a Section 61 request to Immigration New Zealand who may grant you a visa to allow you to stay in New Zealand. There is no standardised application process for this and under the Act Immigration NZ do not have to provide reasons for their decision.

Get in touch with us if you are unlawful in the country so we can provide advice and discuss your options. We can assist in preparing submissions or doing the necessary liaison with Immigration New Zealand to address any ongoing issues.

Deportation Liability Investigations

There are a number of reasons why you can become liable for deportation, including:

  1. Staying in New Zealand past the expiry date of your visa
  2. Breaching other conditions of your visa
  3. Being convicted of a criminal offence
  4. Immigration NZ discovering false or misleading information had been provided, or information was withheld, in a previous application that you had submitted or in which you were included

There may be other reasons for your deportation, however regardless of the reason, Immigration NZ will issue you with a deportation liability notice.

If you are found liable for deportation, you will have the opportunity to appeal to the Immigration and Protection Tribunal.

Suspension of Deportation Liability Request as a Resident Visa Holder

In some cases, you may be able to request a suspension of your deportation. This means that if successful, your deportation will be delayed by a set time period.

How we can help:

  • Gathering information and documents to apply for suspension on your deportation liability
  • Drafting submissions to Immigration NZ to suspend your deportation liability
  • Liaising with Immigration NZ to represent you