“Separation Agreement” or “Relationship Property Agreement” refers to a legal agreement between two parties who have decided to separate or end their relationship. It is a document that sets out the terms and conditions for the division of relationship property, assets, debts, and other matters related to the separation.

The agreement serves as a binding contract between the parties and can provide a clear understanding of their rights and responsibilities after the separation. While Separation Agreements are not mandatory, they are often recommended to establish mutually agreed-upon terms and minimise potential disputes during the separation process.


Here are some ways we can assist with relationship property matters:

  • Legal Advice: We can provide you with expert legal advice regarding your rights and obligations concerning relationship property. We can explain the relevant laws and help you understand how they apply to your specific situation.
  • Negotiation and Mediation: If both parties are willing to reach an agreement outside of court, we can act as a mediator and facilitate negotiations. We can help you understand your options, advocate for your interests, and work towards a mutually acceptable settlement.
  • Relationship Property Agreement: We can assist in drafting a legally binding relationship property agreement, also known as a prenuptial agreement or a contracting-out agreement. This agreement allows couples to agree on how their property will be divided in the event of a separation or divorce.