The future of smoking in New Zealand is revealed
Smoking cigarettes has always been permitted in New Zealand. In more recent times the health hazards that smoking poses have been well researched, documented and publicised. Many policies have been put in place to lower the number of people who take up, or continue to, smoke. This includes education around how it affects health, including causing cancer and other respiratory complications. Packets of cigarettes advertise these dangers on each packet, and are not allowed to be sold to those under 18. There are smokefree spaces and events. All of which being very good deterrents.
The numbers smoking have been coming down markedly; which has been encouraging. Then comes the announcement at the end of last year by Dr Ayesha Verrall, the associate Minister of Health, that legislation shall be introduced around the question of smoking cigarettes in the future. Ramping up the elimination drive. Vaping is still allowed. The plan is to have the country smoke free in four years. There are many measures to surround this legislation, which will regulate who can buy cigarettes, who can sell them, how much nicotine is allowed to be used in each cigarette and where you can obtain support if you are addicted. The process will commence in 2022 and roll out in the following years.