Three Waters Debate

Water is a precious and essential resource for us all. Its use and sustainability are constantly under review to ensure it is treasured and used in the most efficient and effective way.

The future of water use is a hot topic again. There is a wide-ranging debate gathering momentum. Costs around everything to do with water use are high and are always destined to be higher as the population of New Zealand grows. In the current discussion the areas of storm water, waste water and drinking water are all in the spotlight, hence the reference to three waters.

Management of the waters has a direct link to the price we all have to pay to use all branches of this commodity. Reform proposals contemplate gathering the three strands into four new water related entities. Economies of scale is mentioned as a solution to keeping, increasing and maintaining all pipes, pumping stations and other plant, together with all the related infrastructure.

All sectors of New Zealand life are affected, so everyone has an opinion as to how a re-structure will best serve them. Accordingly, it is important to join this debate, make submissions and be proactive. Your legal advisers are able to assist in many ways as clients look to formulate their individual and collective responses to a far-reaching issue; one requiring an innovative and workable future plan delivering the benefits we all deserve.