Family Law Christchurch

Potentially Prejudicial Information


Family Law Christchurch
Family Law Christchurch

Potentially Prejudicial Information


Family Law Christchurch
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Potentially Prejudicial Information (PPIs)

When you make an application for a temporary or resident visa, you may receive a letter from Immigration New Zealand asking you to provide further information or evidence to support your application. This is known as a Potentially Prejudicial Information or PPI letter.

When you receive a PPI letter, it means that Immigration NZ has obtained information that could negatively affect the outcome of your application and are required to give you the chance to comment on the information. PPI letters can be issued for applications across all visa categories, and you will have different deadlines to respond based on the category.

It is important to remember that receiving a PPI letter does not mean that your visa application has not yet been declined. It just means that the immigration officer assessing your application has some reservations about your case and is requesting additional information from you. What is most important is how you respond to the letter, as the response will likely determine what happens with your application.

There are many reasons why you receive a PPI letter as each case is different. Immigration NZ may ask have concerns about your health or your character, your employment arrangements, or the legitimacy of your documents. This is not a complete list by any means, they may also obtain information from a third party that can negatively affect the outcome of your visa application.

Download Your Guide to Potentially Prejudicial Information here.

You should also be aware that there is a difference in how Immigration NZ assesses onshore versus offshore cases.

Onshore Applicants:

For onshore applicants, meaning those who are already in New Zealand, PPI can refer to any material, information or data that can negatively impact your visa application.

Offshore Applicants:

For offshore applicants, meaning those who are not in New Zealand, Immigration NZ has a more narrowly defined scope of what is classed as prejudicial information and may reject your application without first sending you a PPI letter, but only if you are applying for a temporary visa. If you are applying for a resident visa they are required to issue you with a PPI letter. For offshore applications PPI is defined as any material, data, or information that:

  1. Was not submitted directly by the applicant or their representative,
  2. Is not publicly available ,
  3. The applicant has not yet had a chance to provide comments on, and
  4. Has the potential to negatively impact the outcome of the application

How do respond to a PPI Letter

If you receive a PPI letter, you can respond to Immigration NZ yourself, particularly in situations where there is only something small required. However, if you have been asked for something and you are not sure how to respond, you should reach out to an immigration specialist. Immigration NZ will be looking for a clear and concise response that is backed up by evidence so it is important that you provide a clear response that will eliminate their doubts regarding your application.

If you find yourself in this situation, get in touch with us.  Our experienced immigration team will help you respond to Immigration NZ, giving you the best chances of having your visa application be approved.